Public libraries in New York State come in all shapes and sizes. A small library typically does not have a dedicated human resources professional, and it has to work with limited
resources to address any personnel concerns or requests. This can lead to confusion or workplace tension, if something like an accommodation request is not handled properly.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and other laws include provisions for making reasonable accommodations
for qualified employees or applicants, unless it would impose an undue hardship on the organization. It is important for library directors and managers to know how to respond to different types of accommodation requests. Employees also should know their legal
rights and protections for making such requests or when disclosing disability-related information.
This training session will walk library employees and directors through the legal basis for handling accommodations in the workplace, the factors involved in considering and granting
an accommodation request, and more.
Stephanie "Cole" Adams is an attorney who advises libraries around the state of New York
on operational and employment matters, including ADA issues. She got her start working with libraries as a page during high school. Her law office in Buffalo, NY offers legal advice, services, and representation to help libraries and library workers to provide
their communities with information access.
David Mack-Hardiman has had a 45 year career in service to people who have disabilities.
He was employed at People Inc. for 37 years, retiring as an Associate Vice-President. He arranged exhibits, events and presentations at the unique Museum of Disability History and is a published author and renowned public speaker, specializing in disability
history. He received an Award of Merit from the NYS Museum Association for the exhibit, In Celebration of Down Syndrome, and a Commendation from the Niagara County Legislature for his work in the long abandoned Niagara County Almshouse Cemetery. He is currently
serving as a trustee on the Board of Directors for the Museum of Disability History at the Henry Viscardi Center on Long Island.
Questions? Contact
Caitlin Kenney
or Susan D'Entremont.