Harvest Ball Desserts

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Taiward Wider

Nov 6, 2023, 1:17:32 PM11/6/23
to lcfd-announce@lcfd.org via LCFD-Announce, jp-c...@lcfd.org
Hi Everyone!!

I am so excited to dance with you at the Harvest Ball on Saturday! I am also so excited to share some desserts with you! If you would like to bring something to share, please put your name and dessert in the form at the link below. This way you can see if anyone else is bringing the same thing and we can avoid duplicates (although, whoever thought too many brownies was a bad thing??) I'd also love to have a range of allergen-friendly desserts, so if your recipe can be adapted to be gluten free/dairy free/nut free etc, please consider it! I myself may try to make my cookies vegan, but I have to experiment a little first...

If you have any questions, please email me at twrdw...@gmail.com. I have included a spot for emails on the form so that I can follow up with questions if need be, but if you don't want it on the form for whatever reason, just email me directly.

With Autumnal Sweetness,

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