Join us for the Laura Memorial Celebration Saturday, November 19 - more info and RSVP form!

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Christopher Ricciotti

Nov 4, 2022, 12:13:28 PM11/4/22
Hello dancing friends.

Many of you already know that Laura Johanness, a long time dancer, caller and organizer of our dance community, passed away at age 57 of Pancreatic Cancer in early August.  We had a wonderful memorial gathering at my farm in in Maine on Columbus Day weekend.  We know that many of you were unable to make the long drive to Maine to join us, so we are hosting another gathering.  This will be at Laura's home in Dorchester, MA on Saturday, November 19th.  This will give people from the greater Boston area a chance to come together and visit and to celebrate Laura's life.  We will have fun foods, dancing, board games, a chance to share your stories with others.  

Laura's home is in the process of being sold, and this will be the last community open house we are hosting until the sale is complete, likely in mid-December.  Also, this will be an opportunity for me to connect with friends in the Boston area before I move full time to my farmhouse up in Maine, by Christmas this year.  I will still be coming down for dances, to visit with friends, and contine my work at the telephone museum in Rockland, MA, however after this move, my focus will be more in Maine where I plan to connect more with the local community up there, and organize community dances in my barns, and eventually grow food, and raise hens and other rural interests that I have.

Tamara Will, a close friend of Laura's, has set up the organization for this event on SignUpGenius.  Please follow the information below to let us know if you can attend and to let us know what you would like to be a part of.  I hope many of you who knew her, and who know me, will come and visit.  It would be great to see all of you and have a chance to connect before I move.


-----Original Message-----
From: tamarawill <>
To: Chris Ricciotti <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 1, 2022 10:55 am
Subject: Laura Memorial Celebration November 19 - more info and RSVP form!

Hello again!

Please fill out this form if you are planning on attending the memorial celebration on Saturday, November 19th, or if you are thinking about attending! Let us know if you have any questions.

If you have photos you would like to be included in the slide show, you can include a web link in the form, or reply to this email for other options (or just email us the photos).

Hope to see you soon!

Chris Ricciotti

Tamara Will

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