The JP Contra 2023-24 Season

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Robert S. Coren

Sep 5, 2023, 5:30:36 PM9/5/23
Hello, dancers,

We’re excited to announce our fall dance series: Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Oct. 28, and the Harvest Ball on Nov. 11. See for details.

We’d like to share some upcoming changes.  After exploring many options, we are transitioning to a new format.  Following the Harvest Ball, our 2023-24 season will include three more dances—in winter, spring, and summer 2024.  Each will be a special occasion oriented to the LGBTQ+ community.

Reasons for this new format include:

Attendance has gradually dropped at our twice-monthly dances over the last several years and Covid accelerated that trend. With fewer—and more special—dance events, we aim for greater attendance and new dancers.

Identity: Happily, gender-free contra dancing has taken off, but we’re now no longer the only local gender-free dance. We plan to distinguish ourselves by leaning into the other integral aspect of our organization and becoming more oriented to the LGBTQ+ community.  Our dances will remain inclusive for all, but the LGBTQ+ part of our mission will be more central.

Volunteers: Our dances rely on volunteers for both organization (behind-the-scenes work) and operation (running each dance). We urgently need additional volunteer support!!!

Please consider volunteering, to help this cherished dance series survive and thrive. Volunteer commitments can be as little as a couple of hours helping out periodically at dances.  If interested, please email

We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!

The JP Contra Dance Organizers
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