Monica Poelchau
unread,Apr 5, 2022, 1:55:29 PM4/5/22Sign in to reply to author
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to apollo,, Monica Poelchau, apollo,, Nathan Dunn
I got some new information about the gene naming error. When the user tried to add the gene name in Chrome (Version 99.0.4844.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)), the following console error pops up (nothing on the server logs). Note that this user can add a gene name in Safari or Edge. Other users can add the gene name in chrome.
annotator-0.js:3757 Uncaught
fvb {f: 'empty argument', g: null, __gwt$backingJsError: Error: empty argument
at [as Ib] (annotator-0.js:4308:31)
at Wi (annotator-0.js:1228:…}
f: "empty argument"
g: null
__gwt$backingJsError: Error: empty argument at [as Ib] (annotator-0.js:4308:31) at Wi (annotator-0.js:1228:26) at Ch (annotator-0.js:1944:25) at fvb.Jh (annotator-0.js:1231:25) at fvb.Lh (annotator-0.js:1073:19) at new fvb (annotator-0.js:1171:20) at ix (annotator-0.js:3757:77) at m7b.o7b [as gc] (annotator-0.js:4314:10606) at Bt (annotator-0.js:2984:79) at Qt.Rt [as ec] (annotator-0.js:4309:9936) at XMLHttpRequest.eval (annotator-0.js:2756:65) at qi (annotator-0.js:2013:29) at ti (annotator-0.js:2657:44) at XMLHttpRequest.eval (annotator-0.js:3472:50)
[[Prototype]]: Object
I've also attached a screenshot.