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issues with adding an alias

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Sofia Robb

Feb 18, 2022, 5:53:33 PM2/18/22
to apollo
Hello Nathan and Everyone,

I am running Apollo Version: 2.6.5

- I create a new "gene" annotation from a feature in a track.
- I add an alias in the alias text box. 
- I get the pop up that says I added a synonym and what it is.
- then I am unable to edit my annotation
- and my alias does not show up in my annotation alias text box
- and everything is gray and i get the circle with line through it

Am I missing a step to complete my alias addition and then I can continue with my current annotation edits?
Or is it something else?

Thanks for the help,


Nathan Dunn

Feb 18, 2022, 6:25:57 PM2/18/22
to Sofia Robb, apollo

Are you getting any errors being logged? 

What is your alias entry (and the popup), if its not a trade secret? 


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Sofia Robb

Feb 18, 2022, 6:43:43 PM2/18/22
to Nathan Dunn, apollo
NHi Nathan,
No trade secrets :) it is a very fancy alias! Where do I find errors? 
Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 4.41.18 PM.png

Monica Poelchau

Jan 30, 2024, 11:01:51 AM1/30/24
to apollo, Sofia Robb, apollo, Nathan Dunn
Hi Sofia! We are getting the same error (Apollo 2.7.0 now). I don't see it on the Apollo demo server though. Did you figure out the problem? 



Monica Poelchau

Jan 30, 2024, 11:39:38 AM1/30/24
to apollo, Monica Poelchau, Sofia Robb, apollo, Nathan Dunn
Looks like you suggested a fix in - we're testing now.

Monica Poelchau

Feb 16, 2024, 12:36:43 PM2/16/24
to apollo, Monica Poelchau, Sofia Robb, apollo, Nathan Dunn, Childers, Christopher
We tried the fix documented in , but it did not work for us. Chris will investigate some more. 
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