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Question regarding Apollo software migration path

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David Clignez

Feb 9, 2024, 2:12:43 AM2/9/24
to apollo
Dear Apollo team, 

I'm writing to you because we need to perform the migration from an old Apollo 2.0.7 software stack to the latest release 2.7.0.
The setup we have is a tomcat 9 server with an Apollo 2.0.7 linked to a MySQL 5.x running on CentOS 7.

As we need to upgrade this stack I've spent several hours trying to run the WAR from the old machine on a new Rocky 8 machine / Tomcat 9 without success, it crashes all the time.
I tried to compile it but the JDK 8  packagse seems unavailable so I tried to use the docker image.

The docker image works however it uses an internal postgresql server where we cannot import a MySQL Dump file nor any dump file.

So my question: Regarding our initial setup
- Is the migration of the database mandatory ? (All data on disks can be moved to a new machine)
- Do you know how we could update the Docker image in order to talk to a mysql server ?
- What would be your suggestion regarding our setup ?


Best regards


Nathan Dunn

Feb 9, 2024, 11:54:38 AM2/9/24
to David Clignez, apollo
I’d dump your MySQL database into a PostgreSQL database.  I don’t thing mysql is explicitly supported anymore, but I could be wrong.  There may be some small modifications here and there, but they should be obvious and easy to fix if you look in the tomcat logs.  Please post here if not. 

There should be a recommended version for Java tomcat and postgresql somewhere.  You can always check the docker file as well. 

Once you run the war for the newer tomcat pointed to the database it should work or throw some random sql errors (post here).  

Should work locally or with the docker setup. 


On Feb 8, 2024, at 11:12 PM, David Clignez <> wrote:

 Dear Apollo team, 
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