That gets set in the Config.groovy, or what you override the config with:
sequence_search_tools = [
blat_nuc : [
search_exe : "/usr/local/bin/blat",
search_class: "",
name : "Blat nucleotide",
params : ""
blat_prot: [
search_exe : "/usr/local/bin/blat",
search_class: "",
name : "Blat protein",
params : ""
//tmp_dir: "/opt/apollo/tmp" optional param
Pretty sure its just in order listed, so you can change it directly within the running apollo-config.groovy file it is deployed with (unless they edited the Config.groovy file directly).
Hi Nathan,
Thank you for your email. Is there a way to change the order of search options i.e. BLAST gets shown first?