search by gene name

조회수 16회
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읽지 않음,
2022. 4. 8. 오전 11:45:3922. 4. 8.
받는사람 apollo
I would like to know if it is possible to search by gene name in Apollo and if so, could you explain how to do it?
Thank you in advance,

Nathan Dunn

읽지 않음,
2022. 4. 8. 오후 1:41:0922. 4. 8.
받는사람 uguyet, apollo, gmod-ajax

I think you would either do this to search from within the jbrowse directory for non-annotated genes:

For annotated genes, there should be a gene search box in the annotator panel at right under the annotations tab: 


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Ulysse GUYET

읽지 않음,
2022. 4. 8. 오후 2:16:4022. 4. 8.
받는사람 Nathan Dunn, apollo, gmod-ajax
Thanks you, I was Indeed looking to search from within the jbrowse directory for non-annotated genes. Your solution worked, thanks a lot.
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