Dr Steinhaus and members of the board,
Is there a cohesive plan for students who choose to remain remote after the return to full in person? I realize that the mandate to reopen fully AND provide a remote option to all who want it was sprung on you. However, parents and staff need to know what the plan is. "We will handle it on a case-by-case basis" is not enough. Parents need to know what will be offered at each grade level, and teachers need to know what they need to prepare for.
I have heard a lot of bits and pieces of information floating around. Classrooms will be streaming, no they won't. That there will be a buddy system where an in person student is responsible for getting instruction to a remote student. Informed choice is crucial for all stakeholders. I am very concerned that neither the packet for the school board meeting, not Dr Steinhaus's newsletter addressed these details. Please provide information and a cohesive plan.
Thank you,
Lauren Coupland