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Fall School

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Lisabeth Lueninghoener

Jul 14, 2020, 1:38:30 PM7/14/20
I ask you to consider making school online-only in the fall (with the exception of IEP services).  I understand that is an option now, but keeping the schools in a hybrid model is a risk for the entire community no matter which way the individual families choose. 

It is also difficult for families to choose to keep their children home when others are going to school.  This isn't so much a matter of, "But Sally gets to go.." so much as it is a matter of further isolating kids who are kept home because they no longer have the same community they did when everyone was home.

Finally, the requirement that children attend and participate in online lectures is a frustrating one.  I understand that it is meant to hold children accountable, and I am more than fine with requiring the watching of videos and doing of work.  However, online classes of 20 students are a lot to ask some children to sit through.  The disruption and disjointedness that comes with kids interrupting and asking questions in a virtual environment is very different than that of a physical classroom.  Online schooling can be very successful, but usually for students who choose it and for many this will not be a choice and that brings challenges.


Lisabeth Lueninghoener
91 Zuni St
Los Alamos NM
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