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Rocky Mountain Youth Corps - Public Comment

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Ben Thomas

May 10, 2022, 4:50:36 PM5/10/22
To whom it may concern,

I, Ben Thomas, would like to make a public comment at today's Los Alimos School Board Meeting.  It is unclear if I need to type my comments in email or just notify you of my desire to make a comment, I will do both.

I stand before you representing a local, northern New Mexico non-profit, Rocky Mountain Youth Corps (RMYC). Our mission is to inspire young adults to make a positive difference in themselves and their community.  RMYC is a stepping stone to new opportunities.

This summer we are hosting crews at Bandelier National Monument working with their Preservation Department.  A few weeks ago you received an email from me asking for your support in getting the word out to local young adults that we are recruiting for these crews.  We still have some openings for these positions and I ask for your support again.  We are looking for motivated 17-25 year old individuals who want to spend the summer working in Bandelier.  Crews will work M-F, 40 hours per week and will need reliable transportation to Bandelier every day.  Crew members  will receive trainings and certifications related to the project work (Preservation), first aid/CPR, personal finance management, college and career transitions and much more.  Crew members will be paid, every two weeks, a total of up to $4,600 for the full summer season.  Crew Members will also be eligible to receive a $1,374 educational scholarship when they complete the program.

In addition to Crew Member positions, we have a Crew Supervisor position available.  This staff position will work with the Crew on project completion, risk management, direct supervision of young adults and plan project logistics with our partners at Bandelier National Monument.

There is no better way for young adults to get involved in climate work, learn about conservation and preservation as well as explore career opportunities.

Please join me in sharing these opportunities, by posting a flyer, mentioning it to a young person or sharing an email with your network.

All positions are posted on our website,

Thank you for your time and I stand for any questions.

I plan to be at the zoom meeting and would prefer to make these comments myself, but if that is not a possibility I would appreciate it if these  comments could be read.




Benjamin C. Thomas, Executive Director (he, him, his)

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps, New Mexico

575.751.1420 X27

 Support us when you shop; Amazon donates to Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

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