Bradley Carpenter
unread,Jan 28, 2021, 9:19:07 PM1/28/21Sign in to reply to author
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With the allowance of hybrid school instruction by Governor Grisham beginning February 8 and reentry guidelines by the New Mexico Public Education Department beginning February 8, I anticipate my son will finally get to see the school and meet his teachers and some classmates in hybrid mode class instruction. Since the teachers are prioritized for vaccination, I think the health concerns and risk of teacher or student hospitalization is significantly reduced. I don’t know any argument for continuing all-remote classes. It may save money at the expense of our children’s well-being, but this is not a good value. Please continue your efforts to re-open the school as soon as possible.
Looking at the trend in new COVID cases, it is realistic to expect that the health risk state-wide will move from yellow to green within 6 weeks. It would be an uninspiring finish to the school year and many parents and student will envy other school districts if LAS schools decided to finish the school year remotely.
Bradley Carpenter