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Public Comment

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Elizabeth Allen

Jul 14, 2020, 6:56:43 PM7/14/20
to Kurt Steinhaus, Jennifer Guy,
We have concerns with the hybrid back to school plan.  Let us begin by stating that we are grateful for the time and energy spent by many people on trying to come up with a plan.  Furthermore, we have heard from my teachers in this community and throughout the country that are very concerned about any type of reopening plan when the pandemic has not slowed.  We know this is a valid concern. 

However, if schools DO open - we would like to suggest that the district treat ages of children and grades differently based on the ability to access online education, developmental needs and early education.  Districts throughout the entire state and country are treating elementary, or K-3 differently from high school and middle school.  We know from our own children, that our pre-K student (entering kinder) was unable to access and participate in online education like our 4th grader during the shut-down last Spring.  We believe that IF we reopen, our own school district should also treat K-3 or elementary differently and provide in-school opportunities daily.  The consistency for these ages of children are key to building the necessary foundations that they will use for the rest of their educational experience.  We do not believe that children in kindergarten will be able to adjust to a hybrid model of 2 long days, and then 5 days without school or trying to obtain and maintain the curriculum through online.  We hope that you consider a shorter day - but allow children to attend daily.  The kindergartener learner is a different learner than a senior in high school.  I hope that you treat the school reopening plan for those different ages differently as well.          

Finally, we hope that with whatever plan - or situation that we find ourselves in - that children with IEP's will be provided the services as stated on their IEP by qualified and trained professionals.  

Thank you for your time,

Elizabeth and Matthew Allen

Kurt Steinhaus

Jul 14, 2020, 6:58:28 PM7/14/20
to Elizabeth Allen, Jennifer Guy,
Thank you for these very thoughtful comments - you are spot on

Dr. Kurt Steinhaus

Los Alamos Public Schools

We prepare capable and confident life-long learners

Phone: (505) 663-2230


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