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Elementary Schedule Changes in 2024-25

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Virginia Grant

Mar 12, 2024, 4:29:25 PM3/12/24
I am writing in strong opposition to the proposed schedule changes for elementary schools in the 2024-2025 school year.

The early release time every weekday is going to be very difficult for many families, but the most significant problem is that the elementary school children will no longer have their much-needed break on Wednesday afternoons.

If Los Alamos schools meet the criteria for reading and language arts proficiency, our school district is exempt from the 180-day requirement and can keep its current schedule, including the noon release for elementary schools. Exemptions will not be known until the summer, but LAPS should submit a second calendar to the Public Education Department in case our district qualifies for exemption.

If LAPS qualifies for an exemption, next year's schedule should be the same as it is this year. If LAPS does not qualify, additional solutions need to be considered that do not place the burden of the changes on the district's youngest students.

Thank you,
Virginia Grant
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