My name is Isabella Aguilar and I am a junior at Los Alamos High School. I am a part of the varsity volleyball team, and I have been for 2 years now, and I have been part of the volleyball program since my 7th grade year. I am emailing because I am really hopeful that our district can move into hybrid so I, as well as many others, can have our sports seasons and can have a sense of normal in this crazy time. I miss my sports, and going to school. I believe that us teenagers need to have structure like this in our lives, because if we do not it is setting us up for failure.Mental health is also a huge component that should be considered. For myself and many others, we looked at school and sports as a way to escape from our home life and any problems we might have. Now with those taken from us, we feel very lost. I do not have a good place to do online school, I learn in my bed because the other areas of my house are too loud to be able to concentrate. My room has turned into school for me, and I feel like I no longer have a place to just relax. I am asking you to please take these things into consideration when deciding on what to do, because even though online might work great for some people, for others it does not work at all. Thank you for your time and consideration