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question/comment for tonight's meeting

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Alison Watkins

Jul 14, 2020, 6:38:29 PM7/14/20

Dear Dr. Steinhaus and School Board Members:

I am interested in knowing the metrics/gating criteria which you would use to move between the 5-days a week in- person model; the hybrid model; and an online model in the case of a school shutdown?

I am also asking that you keep the hybrid option available for those parents who determine it is in the best interest of their children.

Alison & Heath Watkins 

Kurt Steinhaus

Jul 14, 2020, 7:07:50 PM7/14/20
to Alison Watkins,
Dear  and Heath Watkins,

The last email saying "thank you" was an auto reply because we have received a large volume of emails.

About the content of your email...
I have the same questions you do about metrics and gating and have asked the state Public Education Department and Health Department to let us know how decisions will be made about moving  from in-person to hybrid.

Best Personal Regards,

Dr. Kurt Steinhaus

Los Alamos Public Schools

We prepare capable and confident life-long learners

Phone: (505) 663-2230


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