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Growing Concern

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Clarissa Sisneros

Jul 14, 2020, 5:15:24 PM7/14/20
Dr. Steinhaus,

As the school year approaches, and the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate, we are having second thoughts about the survey we completed just last week. Our family optimistically chose the hybrid model for our 2 children. Our children miss their friends and miss being in school, however with both my husband and I at high risk, the numbers are becoming a greater concern to me. If the numbers continue to rise at the current rate, I would like the option to switch to online learning. The FAQ seem to indicate we can only switch from 100% online learning to hybrid if it is determined to be best for the child by both the family and the school team. However, it does not state that we have the option to go from hybrid to 100% online learning mid semester. With the rapid changing numbers, I feel that we should be given the choice to do online learning mid semester if the risk becomes to high for our family who is already at high risk.

Thank you,

Mrs. Sisneros

Kurt Steinhaus

Jul 14, 2020, 5:20:21 PM7/14/20
to Clarissa Sisneros,
Dear Mrs. Sisneros,

Thanks for your note.
Yes, you will be allowed to switch.


Dr. Kurt Steinhaus

Los Alamos Public Schools

We prepare capable and confident life-long learners

Phone: (505) 663-2230


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