Verizon Tower at Pajarito School

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Syli Williams

Oct 25, 2023, 12:29:53 AM10/25/23
I was walking around the neighborhood and ran into one of my neighbors. He asked me if I knew that you guys were leasing property to Verizon for a tower. I said I had never heard about it. 
I thought about this and decided to call the superintendent of the LA schools. I left messages but never heard back from Jennifer Guy so called and left a message for a person named Rhonda Trujillo. She was listed as the leasing person for Pajarito. She returned my call. I told her I had never heard about this. She told me that she had taken 80 flyers and dropped them off on people's porches. I asked her, "why weren't the flyers mailed to people". She said that she couldn't put them in people's mailboxes because it's against the law. I said why would you waste your time walking around when you could have saved money by putting labels and a stamp on them. This way you would know that we got them. I then asked her how many people responded. She said, 20(twenty) people responded. I asked how many said yes for the tower and how many said no. She said it was pretty much split evenly. I said so 10(ten) people said yes and you guys decided to go with them? This should have been a red flag!! At this point you should have said something like, this is not right, we need to get more input. 
She said that you had put something online in the newspapers. I rarely go online for any paper. I work full time. I'm a busy person. 
She also said,  that there were meetings that you hold. I have never heard of any meetings until today. 
I've been asking my neighbors if they know anything about this. They didn't know either. 
I did see a young man and young boy that live very near the school today. I asked them and the young man said he didn't know anything about this but, the boy said he and his aunt had dropped off flyers about this, but only went down 36th street. I found this strange since Rhonda said she had done it. I asked him if his aunts name was Rhonda he said no.
My concern is that we don't know how this will affect the value of our houses. 
Also,  what about health concerns? Rhonda sent me information on what is radiated from towers, but it was dated 1997. Outdated information? This, I imagine is 5G. What about that?
I also received a call from a Mike Johnson. I told him my concerns and he said that I should send an email and I could go to a meeting you will be having this Thursday at the High School.
I was raised in Los Alamos and went to Pajarito. I am not happy with this. 

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