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Fall School Options

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Courtney Perkins

Jul 14, 2020, 4:45:59 PM7/14/20
To the LAPS School Board,

When I optimistically registered my elementary-age daughter for the hybrid model start to the school year, COVID-19 cases were much lower and the spread was much slower. Since then, our country, state and even community have seen an uptick in cases and we have watched the community spread occur.  Now I wish I could change our registration choice from the hybrid model to fully online learning because I am deeply concerned for our children, teachers, staff and those who are at higher risk of complications from a COVID-19 infection.

Despite the need for socialization for our children, I do not want to see even ONE child - or teacher! -  get sick with COVID-19 and, in the horrible event that happens, end up dying of it just because they went to school for a day.

Our community is resilient and cooperative and I believe that we, as parents and families, can make fully online learning work, while reserving in-person education for those who truly NEED that personal interaction to facilitate their learning. 

Please consider beginning the year fully online with in-person resources only and safely available to those who truly need the assistance. 

Thank you for your hard work in planning and for listening to your community during these unprecedented times.

With Respect,

Courtney Perkins
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