in consideration of rent payments for the Little Forest Playschool
during COVID-19. I just wanted to mention the service being provided
to the LAHS Special Education Students. For the 2019/2020 school year,
Little Forest Playschool has supported the Work Study students as they
develop their future interests. Little Forest Playschool has received
eight students to work in their business. These students greatly
appreciated the opportunity to learn work skills at that location.
R. Scott Weisner, MA, COMS
Los Alamos High School
Special Education Department Head
Teacher of Children with Visual Impairments
Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist
Cortical Visual Impairment Endorsed
R. Scott Weisner, MA, COMS
Los Alamos High School
Special Education Department Head
Teacher of Children with Visual Impairments
Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist
Cortical Visual Impairment Endorsed
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