Fran Gelfand
unread,Aug 5, 2020, 8:36:19 PM8/5/20Sign in to reply to author
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to Dawn Jalbert, Ellen Ben-Naim, Kurt Steinhaus, Steve Boerigter,,,, Craig Washnok, Suzanne Lynne
Dr. Steinhaus and LAPS Board Members,
Has there been any discussion between NMPED, LAPS, and local internet providers about ensuring capacity and reliability of home internet services as school starts up?
I've only received generic "we're working hard to ensure service during the COVID crisis" messages from my own provider, Comcast/Xfinity, as well as a 20% complementary increase in my data plan (which was quickly eaten up at my house).
I would assume the burden on the infrastructure will be much higher than in the spring as academic expectations and content will be significantly different.
Thank you,
Parent of a 4th grader at Chamisa, 6th grader at Chamisa, 8th grader at LAMS