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Taryn Stetter

Aug 27, 2020, 6:21:00 PM8/27/20
Good afternoon, 

I know I am one of many voices that want to be heard tonight, but I feel like my opinion is important. I am a 2nd grade teacher, as well as a parent of two LAPS students. Remote learning honestly has not been horrible for myself or my children, but there are so many important reasons why I think we need to go back to the classroom. 

For my own children, my twins (both on IEPs) are starting kindergarten this year, and because a large chunk of my day is spent on my students, they are getting a sub par, backseat, education experience. I would love to devote a good chunk of my time to my children's academics, but reality is that I do just enough of what they need for the day, and then they are on their own as both parents are working. After my kids go to bed at night, I am still up making sure everything is ready to post and set up for the following day. 

For my students, they are doing amazing during our meets, but I know many families and students are struggling greatly. I spend many hours a day doing the business side of teaching (tech stuff, planning, grading, recording, responding to emails), and in between, I am meeting with students. Our morning Meet time is the highlight of my day. I somewhat get to do what I am passionate about doing. I get to teach! But I know that when my students leave me, the chaos of parents juggling work/school/childcare weighs on children greatly. I have a handful of students who are slipping behind their peers further and further because they do not get the same support at home as other students may get. I have daily 1:1 meets with my IEP student and my SAT students. I know this is helpful to those students, but I would be able to do so much more if we were in a classroom. 

As a whole, I feel like I am torn in the process between teaching my own kids and being a good teacher to my students. I feel guilty because my own kids are not my daily priority. I know our teachers and staff can handle the small groups that hybrid learning would have. I would rather have two days a week with each track of students than remote learning. I need for my own children to get the education and related services that are needed to truly thrive. 

Thank you for taking the time to hear my voice. 
Taryn Stetter
Pinon Elementary, 2nd Grade 

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