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From the perspective of a student

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Jan 27, 2021, 11:42:08 PM1/27/21
to School Board Public Comments
Hello All,
As you read through the posts on this forum, you may realize the majority of people posting are concerned parents and teachers/educators. While these people are more than qualified to share their opinions and oppositions on this platform, they are not the ones truly experiencing this new and forever changing learning environment. While K-12 students need rationally thinking adults to keep us grounded in this strange reality, it is important to look at all perspectives and people being affected. (This is one of the many great things I have learned in my AP language and composition class, thank you, Ms. Batha) For those of you who do not know me, I am part of the class of 2022 at Los Alamos High School as an early graduate. Not only that, but I moved across the country from South Carolina to New Mexico this past July. I think I can rightfully speak for every student when I say it is hard making friends when you do not see students in person. Not only from the social aspect but academically, this schedule is exhausting for us. Yes, we are beyond blessed to have excellent technology to allow us to learn, but parents and educators, wear our shoes for a little while; We (as students) wake up and start school at 8:30 am and get off for the day at either 11:20 or 12:30 (depending on the day). For those four to five hours, we sit and stare at a screen, trying to learn in the most unconventional way possible for our growing minds. We go through this routine four days a week with an optional fifth. We do not get the necessary socialization for the development of our characters or emotional health. I, and many of my fellow students, understand that we are in a pandemic; there are people dying and rules we follow to prevent more from doing so. But this cycle is not doing us any favors. Parents, some of you have seen your students' grades dropping. Educators, some of you see your students' depressed and/or unmotivated. This is caused by our current learning conditions. 
Please allow us to take full advantage of this opportunity,
Joselyn Watson
One of the ones being greatly affected 
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