Re: Covid Update for Jan. 5, 2022

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Reid Priedhorsky

Jan 18, 2022, 11:45:18 PM1/18/22
to Jennifer Guy,, Melanie Colgan,,,, Erin Green
Jennifer, board members:

I find that 91% highly dubious. Among my social circle, we counted ten classrooms with attendance ranging from full attendance to 41% present. So, quoting a single number of 91% is either simply false or misleading, neither of which is acceptable. The right way to do it would be a granular breakdown by school and grade.

The reason LAPS has such a vigorous rumor mill is that official communications are incomplete and untrustworthy. If this is fixed, the rumors will fade naturally.

(You should also be aware that the rumor mill lately is not “is Jennifer cooking the books” but “how is Jennifer cooking the books”.)

A related issue is the summary that’s in a difficult to find google document, not a spreadsheet, with the totals computed manually. Putting these in a spreadsheet with appropriate formulas and history is a very basic best practice, not advanced computing.

Please report your numbers in a transparent and useful way.

Thank you,
Reid Priedhorsky
LAPS parent

On Jan 5, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Jennifer Guy <> wrote:

Good evening, 

We had a great first day of 2022! I am writing to provide you an update on our Covid cases at LAPS today. Today, we tested 154 staff and students.  We had 12 students test positive today. None of these students have been on campus this semester. There were no positive staff members. 

There were some rumors today that we had a large number of students absent. This is not true. According to attendance data, we had 91% of enrolled students at school today. This percentage is typical for most school days. There were also rumors that we are closing a school or classroom due to covid. This is also not true. All LAPS schools will be open for in person learning tomorrow. We will continue to monitor attendance and track covid cases. You can help us by calling your school absence line and reporting the reason if your child is not going to be at school. 

Thank you! 

Jennifer Guy 

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