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Science about re-opening schools

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Tim Kelley

Jan 28, 2021, 4:24:12 PM1/28/21
Parents are asking where is the science, and they are right to do so! I know I want to understand this as well as possible for my family. Here are some of the scientific sources I’ve been following and some of what I’m hearing.

Anthony Fauci, the president’s chief medical advisor on Covid, agrees with the Centers for Disease Control that schools should be open. Some of Dr. Fauci’s public comments in reference [1]:  “We need to get the children back in school." "This is based on the data." "It’s less likely for a child to get infected in school than in the community setting.”

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, looking at studies from diverse school systems across the US, writes "It is critical for schools to open as safely and as quickly as possible for in-person learning.” reference [2]

The European Center for Disease Control is looking at the data from school systems across more than a dozen nations and has come to similar conclusions. In reference [3], below, they write: 

“Closing schools should always be a last resort in efforts to control a pandemic.” 

“We need to reopen schools as soon as possible to guarantee a suitable learning environment and lessen the unintended, negative social effects of school closure.”

Key findings from a more detailed European CDC report, reference [4]:

"There is a general consensus that the decision to close schools to control the COVID-19 pandemic should be used as a last resort. The negative physical, mental health and educational impact of proactive school closures on children, as well as the economic impact on society more broadly, would likely outweigh the benefits."

"Educational staff and adults within the school setting are generally not seen to be at a higher risk of infection than other occupations, although educational roles that put one in contact with older children and/or many adults may be associated with a higher risk.”

"Non-pharmaceutical interventions in school settings in the form of physical distancing that prevent crowding as well as hygiene and safety measures are essential to preventing transmission."

These scientists are reviewing careful, widely based studies like one carried out by Duke Medical School in conjunction with University of North Carolina, reference [5] and [6]. Following schools with almost 100,000 students over nine weeks, they found zero cases of student-to-adult transmission. This study demonstrates how careful measures like hand washing and wearing masks can allow schools to be opened safely for everyone involved.

I am grateful and encouraged by the hard work our teachers, staff, school administration, and the school board to get our schools reopened following the CDC’s guidelines. Personally, I know of a lot of families, so many kids that have really suffered through the remote learning time. It is going to be so good for them to finally be moving back toward how things should be. Thank you.

Tim Kelley


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