public comment 8.6

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Ross, Christopher

Apr 21, 2020, 8:34:06 PM4/21/20

President Ben-Naim and Members of the Board:


Thank you for the approval of the contact of the middle school mobile home school site, for my family and I.  To be able to live and provide security at the middle school is such a terrific opportunity, as living in Los Alamos is financially challenging.  I know there have been discussions and continued discussions about developing affordable housing in Los Alamos in the vacant land north of Los Alamos Middle School.


Being a citizen that works and earns a salary in the economic range that the housing area is designed to accommodate, it is extremely important to see this development happen.  Being a public employee that serves my community, it is discouraging that living in the community is financially difficult if not impossible if it were not for the approval of this contract. 


People do not go into education, law enforcement, fire fighter/EMS services or the many other public employee jobs, because they want to be rich.  They do it because it’s in their heart and passion to help people from learning how to read to keeping a community safe, and having a career that limits where people can live is frustrating at best, because the community they serve is too expensive.  I would highly encourage you to see this housing plan be approved and all the way through completion.


Thank You

Chris Ross             


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