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Please help encourage interested families to register for Los Alamos Online Learning Academy (LAOLA)

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Jessica Rodarte

Apr 25, 2024, 1:14:48 PM4/25/24
Good morning, 
This email is just a small request to the board to please take the time to help communicate the need for anyone interested in enrolling their child for the Los Alamos Online Learning Academy (LAOLA) for kindergarten through fourth grade next year, to please register as soon as possible.  We have many interested families but we have been told that more students need to enroll in order to offer these classes.  Thankfully we have enough enrolled for the upper grades. Please help us communicate this time sensitive registration need so that students can continue to thrive at LAOLA for grades k-4. Anyone who is interested in LAOLA for K-8 should register ASAP so classes can be formed.

I know I'm not the only parent that would be devastated that there may not be LAOLA for all grades next year.  Not all parents in the district may even know LAOLA might be a good option for their child and that the need to register ASAP.

Thank you, 

Jessica Rodarte
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