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School re-opening consideration

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Cody Trujillo

Aug 27, 2020, 7:17:30 PM8/27/20
to, Ronda Trujillo
Dear LAPS School Board,
I am the father of three children attending Piñon Elementary and Los Alamos Middle School. While the current educational model is trying for parents, I would like to commend all the dedicated and hard working teachers in LAPS that are spending countless hours trying to make things work. With that being said, I urge you to strongly consider moving to a hybrid model in the near future. While everyone’s goal is to return to a traditional in-person learning environment, I believe that moving to a hybrid model in the near future will allow a possible happy medium between where we are and where we want to be. Furthermore, a hybrid model will allow us to gather necessary data and ease our students into new processes such as social distancing and continuous mask wearing. Again, please consider allowing our students back to the classroom where they can continue on their educational journey in an appropriate and familiar setting.

Thank you for your consideration,
Joseph Trujillo
525 Aster st.
White Rock, NM 87547

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