Do not vote for Ms. Aguilar Garcia to fill the LAPS Board vacancy

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Terry Goldman

Jul 20, 2021, 1:23:23 PM7/20/21
to, Christine Bernstien, Ellen Ben-Naim, Melanie Colgan,
Ms. Aguilar Garcia’s has made comments indicating that she has 
no concept of what is required to protect the health of our children 
in our schools (let alone the rest of us in general) and no commitment 
to the recognition and application of scientific expertise in the area of 
health. While the primary concern of the Board must be education, that 
cannot be accomplished in an unhealthy environment. Nor is it likely to 
be supported by someone who shows a blatant disregard for the application 
of education developed into research expertise. 

                                             -------   Terry Goldman
                                                      Los Alamos, NM
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apparent takes longer. --- Edward R. Murrow
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