Dear LAPS School Board Members,
Covid caused continued changes for schools and schedules throughout the last three semesters. The impact on people's physical and mental health is increasingly obvious as students, families, and teachers alike fight to keep the positive energy flowing to make it to the end of May.
This is not the time to change the school calendar, especially in such significant ways.
Students, families, and teachers need time to refresh and recharge, both physically and mentally over the summer. Going into the 21-22 school year, what is needed most is a return to the familiar. Keeping the already approved (traditional) 21-22 calendar will allow all to return to the known routine and comfort of our usual school years. Because both teachers and students spend the majority of their waking hours in the school setting, and because calendar changes will have a huge impact on that setting, no new calendar should be adopted merely for the sake of funding. Money will not help burned out students learn nor burned out teachers teach.
One of the great things about our calendar (compared to other districts in and out of state) is that we have some sort of pause--a 3-day weekend or break--every month. This helps provide small, consistent increments of time throughout the school year for family and self care, and needed respite from the work of teaching and learning.
I understand the rollout and poor timing of this new calendar idea is due to the state legislature and budget, and is not on the district. I appreciate the district providing this information, keeping us informed, and allowing the opportunity for input from employees, families, students, and community.
Please vote NO to all of the proposed calendar changes.
Please vote YES to keep the already approved/adopted 21-22 calendar which keeps LAPS in the traditional calendar.
Thank you,
~Michele Poulton