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Comments on returning to school 2020

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Keira Arce

Jul 14, 2020, 4:51:41 PM7/14/20
Greetings Mr Steinhaus,

I respectfully come to you to reconsider starting the school year with an online-only model. Fully online for a couple of months. I have to admit I registered my 3 kids for the hybrid model and not even one day has passed that I haven’t felt worried about my decision. I’m sure every single day will be like this once school starts. As a working mom I saw it very convenient but at the same time I’m scared beyond explanation. I’m sure this is happening to many other parents that chose this model.

Even though I appreciate your consideration of taking into account our opinion and letting us choose, I think this decision should’ve been taken by the district. You still might be able to relieve me and many other parents from the burden of this difficult decision. Even if a semester online is not up to the standard we expect, the cost of our mental health by worrying every single day is too high. Also, what are the chances that we will have to switch to online during the school year? How costly (emotionally, logistically, pedagogically, etc) will that transition be?

Let’s take care of each other and allow ourselves to be part of the solution.


Keira Arce

Sent from my iPhone
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