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Hybrid and Sports

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Jan 29, 2021, 12:37:11 AM1/29/21

I've heard from several sources that many possibilities are being considered in terms of reopening the school, one of the most popular being that online classes would still continue, but with optional afternoon sessions. I personally do not think this would be beneficial for several reasons. I know a decent amount of students, including myself, that have many other commitments that take place in the afternoon and would not be able to go to these sessions. I also don't think any optional sessions in the afternoon could replace the value of having an actual class in person, even if that class is shortened. Another argument I've heard (from teachers) for keeping online classes is that the students are already accustomed to this type of learning and that changing to in person learning would make it difficult to readjust and little learning would take place. I find it hard to believe that students share this concern considering so many kids actually want to return to in person learning. As students, we've done both, and we know that in person school does not compare to online school, so I don't think very many students would mind another schedule change if it is to go back to something we actually enjoy. I also understand that some have medical concerns or other reasons not to return, but other than that I do not see other reasons not to go back to actually having classes in person. Studies have been conducted which show that schools do not cause an increase in covid infection rates (, and on top of that teachers are starting to get vaccinated. I believe we should at least reopen with a hybrid model, one that would allow us to have our regular classes in person, rather than only "bonus" classes. 

I've also heard that our school needs to be in hybrid learning in order to play sports. For us seniors, this may be our last chance to play the sports we love competitively, and it's just as important to some as school. I know I speak for many when I say this, so please let us enjoy the last months we get of high school. 

Thank you

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