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Michelle Čertík

Nov 10, 2020, 11:59:20 PM11/10/20
to public....@laschools.net

Dear members of the school board,

I am concerned with the board’s plans/intention to continue with plans to donate school land to the county for development into housing on North Mesa.  This is land that belongs to the schools and has the potential for use to serve LAPS and it’s teachers in better ways.  Donating it to the county to develop into housing will not allow for the use of this land for school, staff and student growth.  Our schools are growing as new families move into town with young school aged children.  Currently there are five elementary schools which feed into a single middle school and single high school. Perhaps this land could be utilized to develop and expand either of these schools more so that a large number of students aren’t crammed in a single, unchanged middle school or high school.  

          It is well known that housing is limited and expensive in Los Alamos. I think there can be better options that the school board can support to help with reasonable housing for our teachers. The county has quite a bit more land in Los Alamos public schools. Perhaps we can consider converting some of this land into lower income housing that would serve as housing for teachers and school staff. Other options need to be explored before this land transfer takes place.

            I write to support tabling the approval of the MOA. Please reconsider other uses for this land better serve the public schools and students.


Michelle Certik

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