Comment for Elementary/Public Gym Proposal

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Michele Holtkamp

Jun 12, 2022, 8:52:07 PM6/12/22
Youth and Adult Roller Derby in Los Alamos is exploding. It is an underrated sport that is invaluable to those who are involved in it. It uplifts athletes of all ages, sizes, and backgrounds and does more for mental health than many would think. Unfortunately it requires a specific amount of space to accommodate our track and a safe referee lane which existing LAPS gyms have not been able to provide. Having a large gym for community use means our adult and junior teams could practice safely during the winter and host sanctioned games when the weather fails us at our outdoor venue during the spring, summer, and autumn. We often have to look towards Taos, Española and Albuquerque for shelter. Having an adequate indoor venue keeps Roller Derby and its associated revenue in Los Alamos. Thank you for considering roller derby as a valid sport and worthwhile cause in this endeavor. 

Michele Holtkamp, President
Los Alamos Derby Dames

Ryti, Randall

Jun 12, 2022, 9:19:56 PM6/12/22
to Michele Holtkamp,, ~County Council
Michele Holtkamp
On behalf of Council, I thank you for sending this letter of support for the County to fund enhanced gym space in White Rock. This topic will be discussed at a joint Council and School Board meeting on June 13th at 6pm.
Randall Ryti, Chair Los Alamos County Council

From: Michele Holtkamp <>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2022 2:51 PM
To: <>; ~County Council <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Comment for Elementary/Public Gym Proposal

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