Hybrid Plus Opening

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Ella Moss

Feb 9, 2021, 6:54:58 PM2/9/21
to School Board Public Comments
Dear School Board,
  I attended the High School PTO meeting yesterday and was very impressed at the preparation and the work that the principles have put into opening Hybrid Plus.  They also emphasized the importance of the students wearing masks.  I am for opening the schools.   I thought they were very prepared to go back to full remote if there are too many outbreaks.  
  I have a daughter in Barranca Elementary and since they have gone to Hybrid plus I have not have heard of any outbreaks.  I am hopeful with the decline of cases in the county that the Junior High and High School can open up to hybrid plus without the cases increasing. 
  The Principal last night also mentioned that they have taken a survey and only approximately 60% of the students plan to come back to hybrid plus.  I feel that this model satisfies those students who wish to remain remote and that the risk to the teachers will be less as well since they will only be seeing 30% of the students on a daily basis.
  I would ask that you please allow the Hybrid Plus model to proceed forward to the High School and Junior High.  This is a great way to eventually transition to Hybrid, even if that is months down the road.
Thank you for your time,
Jeanette Moss
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