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teacher return to work

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Dawn Watkins

Jan 28, 2021, 5:29:09 PM1/28/21
I just received an email that hybrid learning may be delayed to to teachers not wanting to return to work. I sincerely hope, as a counselor/teacher in Los Alamos, that this information is inaccurate.   Truly, not being at all sarcastic, I was under the impression that in order to be employed one needed to follow the expectations of the employer.  If the expectation is returning to work, outside any medical concerns, that is what is necessary to retain employment.  I do understand there are mitigating factors such as childcare, but as a parent, that is a family dynamic to address.

We should not be allowing our youth to suffer the losses they have felt for a year in regard to education, athletics and social/emotional growth.  Our children are losing so much ground to the rest of the country.  Is this really what we want for our future?  

Dawn Watkins 509.554.3476
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