[ANNOUNCE] Released Kueue v0.6.0

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Aldo Culquicondor

Feb 14, 2024, 1:39:32 PM2/14/24
to wg-batch, kubernetes-sig-scheduling
Hello kubefolks!
We just released Kueue v0.6.0 🎉, with the following highlights:
  • Pod groups: If you declare Pods as part of a group, Kueue treats them as a single Workload.
  • Multikueue: Multicluster dispatching for Jobs and JobSets, in alpha stage.
  • Support for RayCluster, in addition to existing RayJob.
  • lendingLimit: Limit how much other ClusterQueues in the cohort can borrow from your unused quota.
  • Visibility API: On-demand API to gather the internal order of pending workloads in LocalQueues and ClusterQueues.
  • Mechanisms to stop individual Jobs and drain ClusterQueues.
You can check the release notes and the documentation for additional details.

Thank you to our long time contributors as well as newcomers. We are very excited with the momentum that Kueue is having!
Please don't hesitate to open issues in github with feature requests or any problems that you encounter. You can also find us in the #wg-batch channel in Slack.

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