Introducing: Monthly Kubernetes New Contributor Orientation!

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Kaslin Fields

Sep 16, 2024, 6:41:03 PM9/16/24
to dev,

SIG-ContribEx is leading a new initiative to run monthly New Contributor Orientation (NCO) meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to orient new contributors in the Kubernetes community by providing them with a brief overview of what Kubernetes does as a technology, how the community is structured, and how they might fit within it, including information about current opportunities to contribute.

The first NCO sessions will be held on September 17th, 2024, at:

EMEA/APAC-friendly: 1:30 PT / 8:30 UTC / 10:30 CET / 14:00 IST [1]

AMER-friendly: 8:30 PT / 15:30 UTC / 17:30 CET / 21:00 IST [2]

Each session is 1 hour long and will consist of ~40 min of presented content followed by ~20 min of free-form Q&A with active contributor(s). There is no hands-on content in these sessions. Active contributors are invited to participate in these sessions by volunteering as leads (organizing and leading the meeting session(s))  [3] or hosts (helping with Q&A)  [4]. Anyone is welcome to attend the sessions. More information can be found at:

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[4] -

- Kaslin Fields (SIG ContribEx Co-Chair)

Kaslin Fields

Sep 17, 2024, 6:03:56 PM9/17/24
to dev,
The EMEA/APAC edition of NCO for this month unfortunately had to be rescheduled due to technical difficulties. The session has been rescheduled to Thursday September 19th, 2024, at 1:30 PT / 8:30 UTC / 10:30 CET / 14:00 IST. Add it to your calendar here:

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope those who wanted to attend the EMEA/APAC session this month will be able to attend the make-up session. These meetings will also be monthly going forward, so you're always welcome to catch us next time! More ways you can check out the content:
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