Kubernetes Upgrade Survey on behalf of wg-lts!

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Jeremy Rickard

Nov 2, 2023, 4:02:15 PM11/2/23
to d...@kubernetes.io

Hello Kubernetes Community,

As you may be aware, wg-lts was restarted[1] after discussions at the contributor summit in Amsterdam in April. Early discussions have been centered around the upgrade experience and changes that have occurred since the previous incarnation of the working group shut down. We are conducting a survey to help us understand how the experience around upgrading clusters has changed since the 2019/2020 time frame. Better understanding of the current experiences around upgrading and operating clusters will better inform further discussions about long term support for the project. 

If you are operating Kubernetes clusters in production, we’d like to invite you to take our new survey: http://bit.ly/k8s-upgrade-survey. We will leave the survey open through the end of the year, but would appreciate it if you could take the survey within the next month to help us prioritize our work in wg-lts.

If you are interested in participating in wg-lts, please join us on Kubernetes slack[2]  or our mailing list[3]. 

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/community/issues/7259

[2] #wg-lts

[3] https://groups.google.com/a/kubernetes.io/g/wg-lts


Jordan Liggitt

Jan 22, 2024, 10:59:35 AMJan 22
to jeremy.r...@gmail.com, d...@kubernetes.io
For those who have taken the survey, thanks!

If you've been meaning to, or have been meaning to pass it on to folks who would have valuable input, this is a reminder to do so before it closes at the end of January.


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