[CFP EXTENDED!] Volunteer at the Kubernetes Contributor Summit EU 2024

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Natali Vlatko

Feb 7, 2024, 12:26:01 PMFeb 7
to d...@kubernetes.io, le...@kubernetes.io, summi...@kubernetes.io

Bonjour Kubernauts! 🇫🇷

  • Our CFP has been EXTENDED!

  • Unconference topics are welcome!

  • Volunteer sign-ups are now open!

Have you registered [1] for the Parisian edition of the Kubernetes Contributor Summit 2024 yet? Make sure to sign-up so that you don’t miss out on exclusive swag and a front row seat at the premier community event for Kubernetes project maintainers and contributors!

In-person attendance is limited to Kubernetes Org members and sponsored attendees:

  • By “Kubernetes Org member,” we mean a member of ANY official Kubernetes Org: kubernetes [2], kubernetes-client [3], kubernetes-csi [4], kubernetes-sigs [5]

  • If you are an active contributor but not yet a member, please consider applying for org membership [6]! We’re always looking for more active contributors across the entirety of the project. If you have questions about org membership, please reach out to comm...@kubernetes.io 

  • The etcd project is now officially recognized as a Kubernetes SIG, thus, its contributors are also welcome to join the Summit! 

Our CFP has been EXTENDED! You can now continue to submit your talk proposals until February 14th, 2024. We are specifically looking for more in-depth technical talks, or 25-min workshop/presentation submissions. Please remember that the Kubernetes Contributor Summit has a specific audience, so not all talk proposals will be relevant (such as some talks submitted to Cloud Native Rejekts). Access the CFP form here [7] to submit your abstract.

As we continue to prepare our talk schedule, we also wanted to remind folks about the Unconference sessions that take place at the Summit – we’re eager for your suggestions! Please submit them to our Unconference issue on GitHub [8]. 

Finally, if you want to get even more involved with the Summit, we’re looking for volunteers to help run operations for the event on the day. We’ve created a Volunteer Sign-up Sheet [9] for interested folks who want to make our event run as smoothly as possible. Please note: you must already be eligible and registered for the Summit to volunteer. We need Unconference moderators, “runners” for problem solving, door attendants, and more. Join us!

More questions? Reach out to summi...@kubernetes.io or visit the #contributor-summit channel on Kubernetes Slack. As always, for the latest updates and comprehensive details regarding the Summit, please visit our official website [10].

À bientôt! 🥖 🧀

Your Summit Planning Team

[1]: https://www.kubernetes.dev/events/2024/kcseu/registration/

[2]: https://github.com/kubernetes/

[3]: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/

[4]: https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/

[5]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/

[6]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/community-membership.md#member

[7]: https://forms.gle/mkJ7Q18LoQwRV1LPA 

[8]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/issues/7692 

[9]: https://forms.gle/eaJNyAoDsL6NkgNA8

[10]: k8s.dev/summit
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