Updated Points of Contact for Infrastructure Issues

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Benjamin Elder

Jul 24, 2024, 12:46:28 PMJul 24
to dev, kubernetes-sig-testing, kubernetes-sig-k8s-infra, kubernetes-sig-release, le...@kubernetes.io
TLDR: Going forward please use #testing-ops to raise issues with prow.k8s.io / CI infrastructure and #sig-scalability for scale test issues. (If you haven't already, join us via https://slack.k8s.io)

You can alternately file an issue at https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra.

For CI failures not clearly related to issues with #prow / the infrastructure, please discuss in #sig-testing and #release-ci-signal.

For non-CI infrastructure issues (e.g. registry.k8s.io) you can reach out to #sig-k8s-infra.

You can alternately file issues at https://github.com/kubernetes/registry.k8s.io or https://github.com/kubernetes/k8s.io.

If that makes sense to you, you can stop reading here. Otherwise, more context is provided below. Thanks!

We're eliminating the sync to https://go.k8s.io/oncall which still had Google-internal-rotation-based "test-infra-oncall" and "scalability oncall", and dropping any last vestiges of the old Google-employee-only oncall rotations in favor of community slack channels. That page will host a short version of these instructions instead.

This also means the @test-infra-oncall slack group is being removed, please post CI infrastructure concerns to the #testing-ops channel instead.

In the near future we'll have finished the CI migration and other community members will have direct access to the CI control plane deployments (in other words the prow deployment, sometime in August) instead of the current indirect automated deploy jobs and pinging @test-infra-oncall if those aren't working / for control plane log access.

In the meantime you can still reach me or other Googlers with direct access to the legacy CI resources in #testing-ops, and some of us will continue to participate in the future operating #sig-k8s-infra managed resources, just without referencing google-only groups in any Kubernetes pages / slack / ...

Thank you!
- Ben
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