On behalf of the current SIG Node leadership, we are nominating Peter Hunt to become a third chair in the SIG.
Sergey Kanzhelev (@SergeyKanzhelev), Google
Mrunal Patel (@mrunalp), Red Hat
New: Peter Hunt (@haircommander), Red Hat
Technical Leads
Dawn Chen (@dchen1107), Google
Derek Carr (@derekwaynecarr), Red Hat
Mrunal Patel (@mrunalp), Red Hat
Peter has been contributing to SIG Node for a long time and recently started taking more of a leadership role by driving meetings, helping organize KEP planning and release retrospectives. He also presented at the recent SIG Node maintainers track session at KubeCon.
The proposal was discussed at the SIG Node meeting today with the support of people present.
Lazy consensus deadline for this proposal is in a week - August 13th, 2024.
This email is sent in accordance with the process updates for SIG
leadership transitions (ie:
If you have questions about this transition proposal please reach out
as appropriate via any of:
- the #sig-node Slack channel
- the SIG Node mailing list (see TO line)
- SIG Node leads
If you have private concerns about this transition proposal please reach out to:
Steering Private: steering...@kubernetes.io
/Dawn, Derek, Sergey, Mrunal
+1 for Peter!
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+1 for Peter!