[ANNOUNCE] 2023 Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee Election Results

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Nabarun Pal

Aug 18, 2023, 11:57:25 AM8/18/23
to dev, steering, conduct

Hi everyone,

The Steering Committee has concluded the 2023 Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee elections. Like every year, we had a great list of nominees, and we thank everyone who participated in the process.

Of the nine (9) nominees, the Steering Committee has elected the following candidates for a two (2) year term:

  • Ana Margarita Medina

  • Jeremy Rickard

We warmly welcome Ana as she joins the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee, and we are delighted to have Jeremy return to the committee.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Jason DeTiberus for his endeavours in upholding community values and fostering a secure, inclusive, and welcoming space for us.

Thank You

Kubernetes Steering Committee

Stephen Augustus

Aug 18, 2023, 12:01:27 PM8/18/23
to Nabarun Pal, dev, steering, conduct
Congrats Ana and Jeremy!
And thank you for your service to the community, Jason. 💕


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Jason DeTiberus

Aug 18, 2023, 12:17:36 PM8/18/23
to dev, Nabarun Pal, steering, conduct
Congrats Ana and Jeremy!

It has been an amazing experience to serve the community through my short tenure on the Code of Conduct Committee.


Alexis Richardson

Aug 18, 2023, 12:27:41 PM8/18/23
to Jason DeTiberus, dev, Nabarun Pal, steering, conduct

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Benjamin Elder

Aug 18, 2023, 12:34:46 PM8/18/23
to Alexis Richardson, Jason DeTiberus, dev, Nabarun Pal, steering, conduct
Congrats and thank you to all the candidates!

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Paco Xu

Aug 18, 2023, 1:47:44 PM8/18/23
to benth...@google.com, Alexis Richardson, Jason DeTiberus, dev, Nabarun Pal, steering, conduct

发件人: 'Benjamin Elder' via dev <d...@kubernetes.io>
发送时间: Saturday, August 19, 2023 12:34:23 AM
收件人: Alexis Richardson <ale...@weave.works>
抄送: Jason DeTiberus <det...@gmail.com>; dev <d...@kubernetes.io>; Nabarun Pal <pal.na...@gmail.com>; steering <stee...@kubernetes.io>; conduct <con...@kubernetes.io>
主题: Re: [k8s-steering] Re: [ANNOUNCE] 2023 Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee Election Results
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/kubernetes.io/d/msgid/dev/CAOZRXm9jymdXQZmwN0VnbONUzpecCjbqs4agG7gDVLyR%3D7BsMw%40mail.gmail.com.

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Rey Lejano

Aug 18, 2023, 2:00:51 PM8/18/23
to pal.na...@gmail.com, dev, steering, conduct
Congratulations Ana and Jeremy!
Thank you Jason for your service on the Kubernetes CoC

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Christoph Blecker

Aug 18, 2023, 2:06:48 PM8/18/23
to Nabarun Pal, dev, steering, conduct
Congratulations to Ana and Jeremy on your election!

And thank you both to Jason for his efforts on the committee, as well as all those who chose to run -- we deeply appreciate all those who value keeping our community safe, inclusive, and welcoming.

On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 8:57 AM Nabarun Pal <pal.na...@gmail.com> wrote:
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