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[ANNOUNCEMENT] v1.30 Code Freeze in Effect!

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Mohammad Reza Saleh Sedghpour

Mar 6, 2024, 4:04:19 AM3/6/24
to dev
Hello Kubernetes Community, 

Kubernetes v1.30 Code Freeze is now in effect.

At this point, we will only consider release-blocking issues and PRs into the v1.30 milestone. 

The Enhancements Team reviewed all enhancements that opted-in for the v1.30 release. 
For enhancements that did not meet the criteria for Code Freeze, the Enhancements Team removed them from the v1.30 milestone. 

You can check the status of enhancements in the 1.30 Enhancements Tracking Board.

If you think your enhancement is critical and must ship in v1.30, please file an exception as soon as possible. 

Upcoming deadlines:

If you have any concerns, please feel free to reply to this email or reach out to the Release Team on #sig-release Kubernetes Slack. 

Thank you,

Mohammad Reza Saleh Sedghpour
1.30 Enhancements Lead

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