[Notice] Updates to Kubernetes Org Membership Requirements

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Priyanka Saggu

Jul 14, 2023, 1:38:47 AM7/14/23
to d...@kubernetes.io
Dear Kubernetes Community,

This is to inform you about the following recent updates to the Kubernetes community org membership requirements:
  • Update to Policy for determining Inactive Org Members
    We have reduced the assessment period for org members' inactivity to 12 months, from the previous 18 months. This is done so as to encourage an active and engaged community.
    As a data point, our recent audit revealed that there are over 600 org members who have not made any contributions in the past year.
  • Clarity on Membership Requirements
    We have added more clarity to the org membership requirements to set clear expectations.
    The updated guidelines now include examples and scenarios to illustrate the types of contributions that prospect org members can make.
    These changes are intended to enhance transparency and ensure a better understanding of the membership criteria.
Please refer to the revised Kubernetes org membership requirements here[1].

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to respond to this email or reach out to us in the slack channel, #sig-contribex.

Thank you,
Priyanka Saggu
On behalf of SIG ContribEx

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/community-membership.md#requirements
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