[Important] [Action Required] Kubernetes GitHub Organization Cleanup

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Nabarun Pal

Jan 28, 2024, 5:22:26 AMJan 28
to dev

Hey folks,

I hope this message finds you well.


  • Members with NO recorded activity (PRs, issues, comments, or any GitHub emitted event) on Devstats across any of the Kubernetes orgs for 12 months or longer will be removed from the Kubernetes GitHub orgs.

  • Exceptions will be made for those that contribute in non-devstats recordable ways such as moderators, contributor summit volunteers, or other non-code contributions. These will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

  • Org Cleanup tracking issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/4726 [1].

  • As of January 28, 2024, 751 members out of the current 2042 will be subject to removal.

  • If you find yourself on the list of members slated for removal and contribute actively in an area not captured by Devstats, please comment on the above linked issue with details about your contributions. The deadline for exceptions is February 12, 2024.

As we reflect on the tremendous growth of our project with over 2000 GitHub organization members dedicated to Kubernetes, it is crucial to ensure the continued vitality of our community. Over the past decade, we've witnessed remarkable progress, and it's thanks to contributors like you that our project has thrived.

Our focus on mentorship and contributor ladder progression has been instrumental in fostering a collaborative environment. However, as we evolve, it's essential to address the impact of inactivity on the project's health, especially considering the elevated permissions and code ownership associated with org membership.

An org membership grants one access to an elevated set of permissions, and many members also grow to be owners of code. Being inactive for a long period of time impacts the project. We have a policy [2] for defining who is an inactive member. In the past, we have periodically cleaned up inactive members from our several GitHub organizations.

Last year, we made some amendments [3] to our guidelines for inactivity, notably reducing the period for measurement of inactivity to 12 months.

For more details and to track the cleanup progress, please refer to the Org Cleanup tracking issue [1]. As of January 28, 2024, 751 members out of the current 2042 will be subject to removal.

The cleanup process will begin shortly, starting with the removal of inactive members from GitHub orgs and associated teams. Subsequently, affected members will be either removed or transitioned to emeritus status in the OWNERS files.


If you find yourself on the list of members slated for removal and contribute actively in an area not captured by Devstats, please comment on the org cleanup issue [1] with details about your contributions. The deadline for exceptions is February 12, 2024. If you miss raising an exception, one can initiate a revert of their removal from the repo.

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to respond to this email or reach out to us in the #github-management Slack channel [4].


Nabarun Pal

On behalf of GitHub Administration Team and SIG Contributor Experience

[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/4726
[2]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/community-membership.md#inactive-members

[3]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/pull/7380

[4]: https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/C01672LSZL0/
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