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[ANNOUNCE] Rotten Issues Will Be Auto Closed As "Not Planned"

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Madhav Jivrajani

Sep 21, 2022, 5:52:21 AM9/21/22
to dev
Hi all!

Recently, GitHub introduced a new state for issues, namely "Not Planned" [1]. The support for this has been added to Prow (tracking issue [2] and the PRs implementing it [3][4] are attached below)!

As you might be aware, issues and PRs that have been inactive for 90 or more days are auto-closed by the ci-k8s-triage-robot. When issues are auto-closed, they are closed as "Completed" which can be misleading. Which is why going forward, issues will be auto-closed as "Not Planned" [5] using the above mentioned support added to prow.

Please note that there is no change to the way PRs are auto-closed.

Thank you and have a great rest of the week!
-- Madhav

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