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[Announce] GitHub Tasklist Alpha

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Bob Killen

Oct 3, 2022, 2:53:11 PM10/3/22
to dev,

Hey there all,


  • The Kubernetes project is participating in a GitHub Alpha that adds new functionality to markdown task lists[1] (Hierarchy, sub-tasks, linking to projects etc).

  • Uses code block formatting, begin a task list with: ```[tasklist]

  • Enabled on the following orgs: kubernetes, kubernetes-sigs, kubernetes-client, kubernetes-csi

  • For a detailed breakdown of functionality see the docs[1], or this video overview[2]

  • An example of what this feature looks like can be seen in the cpython repo[3]

  • Feedback should be provided through the GitHub UI using the Give Feedback link at the top of the task list or posted to the feedback issue[4] in the community repo.

GitHub approached the Kubernetes project about testing some new functionality with task lists[1]. These new task lists can integrate with project boards, automatically complete items when an issue is closed or PR merged, along with some other additional functionality. We are enabling it for all four of our primary orgs. 

To use it, in a new issue you can click on the Add tasklist button, or use regular markdown fenced code block formatting with the [tasklist] keyword.


  • Thing 1

  • Thing 2


For an example of what these tasklists look like, it’s been enabled for the python org and there is an example cpython repo[3]

For a complete list of instructions, see the docs[1], or this video overview[2]. 

Feedback should be provided through the GitHub UI using the Give Feedback link at the top of the task list, or post on the feedback issue[4] in the community repo.

If you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns - please raise them in feedback issue[4] or if you'd prefer not to raise it publicly, reach out to one of the GitHub Admins[5] or email (our contact at GitHub who's helping with this feature).

- Bob, on behalf of the GitHub Admins






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