Hello Kubernetes community!
The v1.28 release cycle has begun and we are now actively collecting enhancements.
Actions Required:
SIG Leads:
Discuss within your SIG which enhancements you will be proposing for this release
Opt in for enhancements by applying the current milestone(v1.28) and "lead-opted-in" label on the tracking issues in kubernetes/enhancements[1]
Enhancements owners:
Ensure your enhancements meet the following requirements[2]
Open an issue in kubernetes/enhancements[1]
Ensure that a kep.yaml exists with:
status[3] set to `implementable`
latest-milestone[4] set to the current release
A README.md exists that:
uses the latest template[5]
has the updated test plan[6] section filled out
A Production Readiness Review[7] has been completed
Please add the “kind/deprecation” label to PRs as appropriate (this is a big help for the Comms team!)
Enhancements will be tracked throughout the release using the 1.28 Enhancements Tracking GitHub Project board[8].
More information on the enhancements process can be found on the kubernetes/enhancements[1] repository.
All enhancements should plan to opt-in well before the Production Readiness Review Freeze (Thursday, 8th June 2023) to ensure adequate time for reviews. Enhancements opted-in after this deadline will be at risk for inclusion in the release.
New change: Deprecation of “tracked/yes” and “tracked/no” labels.
Starting this release we are moving away from using “tracked/yes” and “tracked/no” labels because the process of tracking and collecting enhancements has changed a lot and as the current process is adequate there isn’t any good reason to keep using it.
Who does this change affect to: No one else except the release team[9]
Anything you as a SIG Lead/ KEP owner/ Reviewer/Approver should do to inculcate this change onto their enhancements: Nope.
v1.28 Release Cycle timeline:
The tentative major milestones for the 1.28 release are the following:
Release Cycle begins – Monday, 15th May 2023
Production Readiness Review Freeze – Thursday, 8th June 2023
Enhancements Freeze – 01:00 UTC Friday, 16th June 2023
Code Freeze – 01:00 UTC Friday, 19th July 2023
Test Freeze – 01:00 UTC Wednesday, 26th July, 2023
Release Day – Tuesday, 15th August 2023
Full schedule – https://github.com/kubernetes/sig-release/tree/master/releases/release-1.28
Enhancements project board – https://bit.ly/k8s128-enhancements
Slack Channels:
Have any questions? Please do reach out!
Atharva Shinde, v1.28 Enhancements Lead
[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues
[3] https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/NNNN-kep-template/kep.yaml#L9
[4] https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/NNNN-kep-template/kep.yaml#L30
[5] https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/NNNN-kep-template
[8] https://bit.ly/k8s128-enhancements
[9] https://github.com/kubernetes/sig-release/tree/master/releases/release-1.28
[10] https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/C02BY55KV7E
[11] https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/C2C40FMNF